Sunday, October 13, 2013

Figurative: “Girl in Blue”

“Girl in Blue”, 8"x10", © 2013 Rebecca Lambing
Here's a recent figurative painting that I've been able to digitize to share. There are more that will hopefully soon be photographed so I can upload. I've found that it's not always the best idea to stop the momentum of painting, so I will continue... :-)

Monday, September 30, 2013

Cellist in Brugge

“Street Cellist”, 5"x5", © 2013 Rebecca Lambing

Yet another small 5"x5" painting. This is of a man playing the cello on a bench in Brugge, Belgium. I'm still inspired by our travels from over a year ago. There are no great trips planned in our near future beyond more college visits. Hmm.... I wonder if Northfield, Minnesota will inspire any artworks?

“Paint Burlingame” 2013

Study on paper for “Man in Cafe”, 6.5"x5.5" © 2013 Rebecca Lambing

Paint Burlingame is an annual event that brings out artists from along the peninsula to paint scenes around the city of Burlingame “en plein air” (a french expression for “in the open air”). It takes place on a single day, so artists create their pieces from start to finish within a matter of hours. In the late afternoon there is a public reception where the artists mingle and the artworks are hung for a silent auction, already framed and beautifully displayed. Proceeds benefit the Burlingame Historical Society.

I've never painted in this fashion but woke up with a wild urge to participate the day before the event this year. What would inspire me to put myself out there in a situation where I've never painted in public, never painted a large scene from life, and never on such a limited time frame... and yet also commit to hanging the result for all to see? Who knows, but it was fun just the same. 

I got set up along Broadway to paint the scene in front of Earthbeam, a health food store that's been a part of Burlingame since the early 1970s. With the help of Pandora streaming on my phone I was quickly oblivious to all that was going on around me and my time was over before I knew it. It was great fun to pause occasionally to talk with some kind and friendly people. And the end result? The piece received many compliments and I was satisfied with what I had created given my inexperience and the constraints. Rather than posting it I've posted a quick study I had previously done for a larger painting. This is the effect I was going for. 

So will I participate again next year? If I do, I know to spend time preparing in advance, getting used to the portable easel, dealing with the acrylics drying when the wind picks up, doing a study or two of what I choose to paint ahead of time, etc. Despite the beautiful weather I didn't immediately fall in love with painting en plein air. For now I plan to get back on track and continue focusing on the figurative work I've been doing most recently. But know that if you see me painting outdoors that my favorite part is getting to quickly chat with passersby so do stop and say hello!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Richard Diebenkorn as Inspiration

Richard Diebenkorn: Girl on the Beach 1957 ...inspired...  Rebecca Lambing: Girl on the Beach 2013

I received a Richard Diebenkorn coffee table book for a Christmas gift last year. I do love his artwork. My colors and use of design and light can be similar. Edward Hopper was one of his influences, who I have also studied. My intent in showing these two paintings together is not to compare and judge, but rather to share how artists can be influenced. Diebenkorn's painting is more than four feet tall. Mine is 5" square. Sometimes a lot can be learned by mimicking another's successful painting, even in a small scale. My version would be considered a "study". It was created directly to learn from. Already I am close to sharing with you a new 36"x48" painting also influenced by Diebenkorn. As you'll soon see, though, it was more of a jumping-off point and the painting took on a life of its own.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Reclining in Provence

“Reclining in Provence”, 8"x10", © 2013 Rebecca Lambing
This small painting is one of my current favorites. My reference photo was taken of my daughter on our dream vacation last summer in Provence. The farmhouse we rented had, among many other wonderful things, a french daybed outdoors to lie down and relax in. For me this painting captures the feeling of the time we spent in Provence. It was wonderfully relaxing, sunny, beautiful, and, well, French! If you're looking for a great place to rent near Avignon, I can highly recommend this place. Guy and Lindsay followed their passion and moved to Provence to rent out their farmhouse, tend the gardens, etc. Their hospitality and english speaking were so welcome! But they can tell it so much better than I can. I'll admit that sometimes I go to their website just to see the grounds and living space once again.

Monday, June 17, 2013

New Beginnings

“Bench Under Sycamore Tree”, 11"x14", © 2013 Rebecca Lambing
“Bench Under Sycamore Tree” is now with a wonderful and newly single woman who plans to surround herself with “beautiful things in [her] beautiful new life”. You go, girl! :-)

Friday, June 14, 2013

New Paintings Delivered

“Boy Reading”, 10"x8", © 2013 Rebecca Lambing

“Girl with Clouds”, 10"x8", © 2013 Rebecca Lambing

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Green Apples

“Apples 2”, 5x5", © 2013 Rebecca Lambing
I’ve been trying to get more practice drawing from live models. Apples will hold still for longer than  my daughter or dog will.

Monday, June 10, 2013

When Life Gives You Lemons…

“Lemon with Aqua and Blue”, 5"x5", © 2013 Rebecca Lambing
SATs, SAT subject tests, APs, and finals are over. Summer has officially arrived at our house!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Juicy Tomato Makes for an Appetizing Painting

“Tomato1”, 5x5", © 2013 Rebecca Lambing

Having fun with this small format. Yes, this was a real tomato. Sitting on my real kitchen counter. And yes, it was tasty. :-)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Artwork Available at Peninsula Museum of Art

I am happy to announce that the gift shop at the new Peninsula Museum of Art in Burlingame, California now has several of my paintings available for sale! They range from the large 48"x36" “Following the Birds” to several smaller pieces including some brand new 5"x5" pieces perfect for a gift (to a friend or to yourself!). Below I’ve posted a couple of my most recent pieces.

“Flowers with Yellow and Green”, 5x5", © 2013 Rebecca Lambing
“Flowers with Yellow and Green” was inspired by the colors in Cézanne’s still-lifes.

“Morning Cup”, 5"x5", © 2013 Rebecca Lambing
Along with my new daily painting habit, I’ve developed a routine of seeping black tea every morning and am not sure I would function quite as well without it. If it cools too much before I drink it all, it is put on ice and enjoyed cold! “My Morning Cup” is a tribute to this reassuring ritual.

Don’t know about the Peninsula Museum of Art? You’re missing out! They’ve very recently relocated from Belmont to 18,000 square feet of beautiful new space in Burlingame. In addition to the store, there are five gallery spaces, a library, and a classroom. The attached Peninsula Art Institute also houses 29 working artist studios. There is a great current exhibit of Joe Price’s serigraphs that are just amazing. There is a new exhibit coming up on the Art of Science Fiction. I don’t know what to expect of it, but am looking forward to seeing what it’s about. Click here to go to the museum’s website for more information. 

Friday, May 31, 2013

Beautiful Day for an Art Opening

It was a beautiful day by the water for an art opening! Thanks to all those who attended and to those who visited later and sent their best wishes. Thanks, too, to Bonny Zanardi for featuring the opening in the San Jose Mercury News/San Mateo County Times and writing such a nice article about me. The show is now over and by all measures it was very successful. I received a lot of positive feedback, sales, and motivation to continue to move forward with painting.

© 2013 Rebecca Lambing

Friday, May 3, 2013

Reflections on Recent Months

"Photographer Study 2", 10" x 8",  © Rebecca Lambing
January came and went. Then February... March... April... and a lot of painting got done around here! As of yesterday, over two dozen of my paintings are officially displayed at the Foster City Art Gallery. It was an even larger undertaking than I had imagined, though such a rewarding one!

I was reminded of how much I enjoy being absorbed by a long-term project and the feeling of satisfaction when the end is reached. Yes, I was a bit of a recluse for awhile. Joe was awesome about stepping in with dinners, etc when needed, which was often. Having him home full-time isn't the best for cash-flow, but wonderful for support.

My work has changed a lot over the last several months, yet remains my own. These changes are inevitable when I've put so much energy into the effort. I'll call it progress. I know it will continue to expand as I persevere and continue to work. This show is just one step on what is a long creative path for me as an artist.

It's my first non-group show. I can't really call it a solo exhibit since Hannah is displaying her original photographs, too! This also makes it special. She and I share a passion for all things creative and getting to share in this experience has been exceptional. Although photography may not be as much her passion as singing, dancing, acting, and putting together great outfits with vintage clothing, she has a wonderful eye for how to frame a nice shot. As she wraps up her Junior year in high school and comes closer to “leaving the nest”, it becomes more apparent every day that I will only have more time in the future to devote to my art. That's bittersweet of course and I'm enjoying what time we get to spend together.

I hope you can make it by our artist reception on May 11th. It will be a time to celebrate a ton of hard work, creativity, and good friends. And not to forget the joy of being surrounded by lots of colorful artwork! Thank you for your support and kind words. Following your passion is one thing. Following your passion when you feel supported by good people is even better. ;-)

Artist Reception for "People, Places, and Favorite Things"

Thursday, April 25, 2013

"People, Places and Favorite Things" Art Exhibit

May 1 - May 29, 2013
Foster City Art Gallery
650 Shell Boulevard, Foster City, California
Hours: Monday - Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

“Woman in Summer Shade” © Rebecca Lambing

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"Color" Exhibit in Half Moon Bay, CA

April 5 - May 6, 2013
Coastal Arts League Museum and Gallery
Half Moon Bay, California

Artists’ Reception:
April 13 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm
Detail, "Transcending Aqua", © Rebecca Lambing

Sunday, January 27, 2013

My Word for January: Discipline

It's been a busy month so far. I've been totally committed to painting daily, completing a painting each day when possible. It's day 27 and I've finished 20, mostly 10x8s, and have a good start on a larger 30x24. I had been feeling somewhat spent on the abstract model and wanted to take what I'd learned "playing with paint" onto my next endeavor. Who would've guessed that would be people, so different than what I had been doing? Yet the discoveries I made doing more abstract work are following me into this new territory. And that's what this is all about for me. It's a learning process, as I believe all creating is. I think that's why I love it.

© 2013 Rebecca Lambing